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5 years

5 Ways to Get Staff on Board with your Quarterly Theme

Be honest. Is your business stuck in an endless cycle of unfinished projects? Is energy being wasted by people going off in multiple directions with no clear focus? Feeling like you’re getting nowhere? You’re not alone. Most of the clients I work with are in the same position. They feel a bit like Sisyphus, forever rolling his boulder up that hill in Hades. They’re putting in loads of effort but not moving any further forwards. 

5 years

Why is RPA Important for your Business?

In this article, we will explain what Robotic Process Automation means and its importance in an ever-evolving industry landscape.

5 years

How Leaders Make the Greatest Impact

In my work as a speaker, I visit large organizations worldwide. At one of these companies, I met Jaden. He didn’t carry a dream of climbing the corporate ladder. He was content with his role as a manager. However, deep inside, he aspired to create a lasting impact on his people and organization. 

5 years

How Does Goods and Services Tax (GST) Work

When we purchase products, we pay a price that includes sales tax as well. GST (General Sales Tax is applied on all products that are purchased for daily consumption. As consumers, we should know about how GST is charged and why we are paying a certain sum as tax. Most people do not know anything in this relation. GST rules depend on the country you are living in which as they vary from one location to the other. For instance, in the United Kingdom, there are specific regulations for application of GST. It is important to have complete awareness so that you know what you are being charged for. Afirmo tax software can help you keep track of your GST charges and ensure that you are being charged correctly.

5 years

The Emergence Of Robot Authors: Can AI Replace Human Writers?

The escalation of robots is a legit fear which several individuals have. Some people presume that it will only take some time before robots get to take over the universe. They presume that they, as human beings, are creating or developing tools which could destroy them. This fear continues to intensify and become more real because of the increasing intelligence of artificial intelligence technologies all over the world. Unlike some time back, robots today can write codes which can develop other smarter robots. Hence, this makes many people wonder about the period it will take before human beings find it hard to comprehend technology. Some people choose to pay for writing help to read more about how AI could replace writers.

5 years

Learn to Refuse Opportunities that Don't Align with Your Objectives

There are so many quotes about "seizing opportunities" and "say yes to everything and figure it out later" but there is a huge caveat which people tend to forget, ignore or simply don't realise.

5 years

Why Today’s Leaders Need Encouragement More Than Anything

Everyone faces challenges with work colleagues; it’s unavoidable and can cause feelings of anger, frustration, and hostility.