More in Companies

7 years

Welcome to Trumptopia

2017 has been a tough year for the thoughtful, for those who believe in the power of reason to navigate the complexities of the human condition.

7 years

Danger! Beware a Digital Chasm, Swallowing the Unaware

This is a red flag warning for those who think digital technology is something the IT department does! It is not; today digital technology is the purview of Boards and Senior Executives.

7 years

Republicans Without Principles: Roy Moore and the Tax Bill

The Republican National Committee (RNC) joined with Mitch McConnell and approximately 18 Republican Senators in urging Roy Moore to resign. They pulled campaign funding and took the moral high ground…until the Senate voted on the tax reform legislation and they discovered that they only had one vote to spare.

7 years

How to Plan a Marketing Strategy for your Business?

A marketing strategy is of how you plan to market your brand or business, specifically in the online space.

7 years

4 Google Chrome Extensions to Increase your Productivity as a Digital Marketer

We all want to boost our efficiency and enjoy a better work life balance, but it’s the time when we’re busiest that productivity proves the most elusive. We often get distracted by social media notifications. In this article, the main objective is to make you feel much more productive. I am sure you will like these simple hacks.

7 years

Right Skills, Right Fit, Right Talent

Companies today are not about to settle for mediocrity. Companies, both MNCs and local SMEs, want to​ ​attract​ ​and​ ​employ​ ​the​ ​cream​ ​of​ ​the​ ​crop.​ ​The​ ​fight​ ​for​ ​top​ ​talent​ ​is​ ​intense                             

7 years

What is Strategy?

My first teaching assignment at SMU (Singapore Management University) was teaching the core strategy course in the DBA (Doctor of Business Administration) program. This was an interesting assignment. Despite a thirty-year teaching career, I had previously never taught a strategy course.