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7 years

The Beginning of the End

Is it ever easy to predict a revolution? It has obviously become easier to predict unrest in any area of the world since we now live in what is termed the information age. But this is merely a transitory period on the journey to the next big event in human evolution. How did my counterpart in Paris in 1789 or Moscow in 1917 know that change was coming? Were there subtle hints or did wholesale change become the only option ?

7 years

The Oil Market, and How to Trade it

Trading in the oil market offers high liquidity and excellent opportunities to profit in nearly all market conditions due to its unique standing within the world’s political and economic systems.

7 years

Evolution Not Revolution

Banks are going through a dramatic transformation.

7 years

The Journey to Become a Trader

Being a trader is no easy feat. If you aspire to be a successful trader one day, you need to be willing to work very hard, develop useful skills and have solid mental fortitude.

7 years

Introducing "Smile To Pay"

Smile to Pay is a concept developed by Alipay. It enables users to pay quickly their food consumption through a combination of facial scanning and mobile phone input. For the time being, Alipay is only offering the Smile to Pay option at the lone KPRO restaurant.

7 years

SoftBank's Masterstroke

Sovereign wealth funds from the Gulf States and big corporations such as Apple & Qualcomm are backing SoftBank’s Vision Fund to develop the next big banking revolution. Masayoshi Son, Softbank's CEO and founder, doesn’t do anything small nor does he do things in a simple way.

7 years

A Unique Investment Opportunity

The world population is expected to reach 11.25 billion in 2040. According to Reuters, our planet will have to produce 50% more food to avoid starvation. If you are wondering what to invest in and your long-term goals are covering a span of over 20 years, then investing in wheat and soybeans represents the perfect opportunity.