More in Global Economy

4 years

Global R&D: The Stagnant US Position

Research and development isn't enough by itself. New discoveries needs to be brought into the economy in the form of new companies, new products, and new jobs. But it matters.

4 years

Do Americans Think Science is Moving Too Fast?

One tension of modern life is that we love new technology when it makes our lives easier, more fun, safer, or healthier, but we hate new technology when certain familiar skills, accustomed habits, favorite consumables and even our jobs become outdated--and we are forced to change. So how do Americans view science overall?

4 years

Coronavirus: Is This The Black Swan Many Feared?

The slump in energy commodities and copper shows the fragility of the global economy and the risks to the consensus’ reflation trade.

4 years

Business Formation Statistics: Getting to Know You

In thinking about the state of the economy, it could be useful to know if the number of new business start-ups is trending up or down.

4 years

The Inflation Puzzle: Why Has it Moved So Little for 25 Years?

Sometimes the mystery is why something did not happen. The classic statement of this description is in the Arthur Conan Doyle story "Silver Blaze," in which Inspector Gregory asks Sherlock Holmes:

4 years

Americans Don't See Economy as a Nation's Most Important Problem

The Gallup Poll regularly asks about what people see as America's most important problem. 

4 years

The Prisoner's Dilemma: Celebrating its 70th Anniversary

The prisoners' dilemma game originated in 1950, and thus commemorates its 70th anniversary this year.