More in Global Economy

2 years

Advice for Academic Writing About Data

As the Managing Editor of an economics journal, I’m always intrigued by advice about what goes into writing a good academic paper. 

2 years

The Fed as Borrower of Last Resort?

Economics textbooks teach that one role of central bank during a financial or economic crisis is to act as a short-term “lender of last resort”: that is, when the financial system is in danger of freezing up in a way that can lead to an expanding vicious circle of defaults–as those who can’t get roll-over loans are unable to repay others, who also can’t roll over their loans, and son on–the central bank makes short-term credit available.

2 years

US Pharmaceuticals: A Bifurcated Market

The US pharmaceutical industry faces two important goals–which conflict with each other.

2 years

The US Labor Market Remains Weak Amid Inflation Spike

The United States December jobs report shows that the labor market remains weak.

2 years

How Should Low Interest Rates Alter Our View of Fiscal Policy?

Olivier Blanchard has a new book coming out, titled Fiscal Policy Under Low Interest Rates.

2 years

How Personal Experience Leaves a Mark

Everyone knows there was a Great Depression.

2 years

Post Covid-19: Global Economic Uncertainty Looms in 2022

2022 will be dominated by efforts to fight supply chain issues, inflation, real estate bubble, growing debt, mutating variants along with climate change.