More in Science

11 months

Human and AI Cognition: Reframing Anthropocentric Views Of Thought

The assumption that artificial intelligence would replicate human thought processes needs reconsideration.

11 months

Postmodernism And The Hyperreality of GPT

GPT and simulacra are pervading modern life.

11 months

What Does the Future of the Pharmaceutical Industry Look Like?

Technological advancements, climate change and population growth affect how manufacturers research, develop, create and distribute medicine.

11 months

Cardiac Ejection Fraction Determined By Artificial Intelligence

From accuracy to workflow, artificial intelligence is becoming validated as an essential clinical tool.

11 months

Machine Learning is the Future of Cardiovascular Treatment

Doctors and clinicians can use machine learning in healthcare to identify cardiovascular diseases quickly and accurately, enabling faster treatment.

12 months

Mind Meets Machine

The inevitable convergence of brain interfaces with artificial intelligence (AI) models is pushing the boundaries.

12 months

Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: Transforming Patient Care and Medical Research

Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the healthcare industry, transforming the way we deliver patient care and conduct medical research.