More in Science

10 months

Dairy Fat: Forever Flirting with PURE Diet Nonsense

As the dairy debate continues, it is crucial to critically examine research findings and avoid falling for sensationalized headlines.

10 months

Quitting Drinking - 7 Steps to Achieve This Goal

Alcoholism is one of the hardest addictions to kick.

10 months

How AR Dispels Phobias In Individuals

Psychological treatment of patients to reduce and eventually eliminate their phobias is one of the more recent applications of AR in healthcare.

10 months

Ever Wonder How Solar Panels Harness the Power of the Sun?

Everyone raves about solar panels, but how do those shimmering blue or black panels turn sunlight into energy that charges your phone?

10 months

Are Chatbots Really More Empathetic Than Doctors?

A recent study compared the responses of physicians and an artificial intelligence chatbot, ChatGPT, on a public social media forum.

10 months

AR and VR: The Inescapable Limitations Of Replacement Reality

A journey of disappointment may reflect an insurmountable obstacle.

10 months

LLMs: Impulses, Not Hierarchy, Explain Human Intelligence

There is a review, Hierarchy in the Organization of Brain Networks where the authors stated that hierarchy "is an intuitive and popular idea that the brain, and in particular the cerebral cortex, is organized into modular networks across many scales, from cellular circuits, cortical columns via nuclei or cortical areas to large-scale units such as the entire visual or sensory-motor cortex. At each level, nodes are more densely wired within than between the modules. While empirical data confirm this modular organization at some scales, for instance, for mesoscopic cortical connections, the detailed organization of brain networks across all scales is not yet experimentally accessible.

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