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3 years

10 Leadership Tips for Managers Who Want to Be Great in Their Job

It's often the small things that make the biggest difference.  

3 years

EIS Has Created the First Trans-AI Model for Narrow AI, ML, DL, and Human Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is set to change how the world works.

3 years

How Women Escape the Impostor Syndrome Trap

I give speeches and seminars on "The Power of Presence for Women Who Lead," and after one of my sessions, I was asked by the head of Human Resources to coach Sandra.

3 years

Can a Dose of Randomness Help Fairness?

As the philosophers teach, there are many ways to think about “fairness.”

3 years

Why The Hiring Process Matters A Lot?

We live in times of high demand. It’s not just the hospitality industry that’s struggling to recruit employees. Far from it.

3 years

Talking in the Midst of Wonderland

In November 2015, I was privileged to speak on board the ship the Ruby Princess, which sailed to several ports in Australia and for New Zealand.