Carol Kinsey Goman Leadership Expert

Carol is an international keynote speaker at conferences, business organizations, government agencies, and universities. She addresses a variety of leadership issues, but specializes in helping leaders build their impact and influence skills for fostering collaboration, building trust, and projecting that illusive quality called "leadership presence." She is the author of "STAND OUT: How to Build Your Leadership Presence." and the creator of LinkedIn Learning's video course, "Body Language for Leaders." Carol completed her doctorate in the United States. She can be reached at

Using Body Language to be a More Effective Leader or Manager

Using Body Language to be a More Effective Leader or Manager

Effective leadership and management are crucial for the success of any organization.

Why Artificial Intelligence Can't Read Body Language Yet

Why Artificial Intelligence Can't Read Body Language Yet

There are many things that technology can do well when it comes to monitoring body language.

Smile Your Way to Success

Smile Your Way to Success

A genuine smile has an immediate and profound impact, especially in the first few seconds of any interaction.

Are You Sending the Signals of Leadership Presence?

Are You Sending the Signals of Leadership Presence?

Leadership presence is an invaluable asset that can significantly impact career trajectories and organizational success.

3 Predictions About the Future of Leadership and Body Language

3 Predictions About the Future of Leadership and Body Language

As technology continues to shape the way we interact, the future of leadership will likely witness a shift in communication styles.

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