How Plant life Boosts Productivity in the Workplace

Greenery in the office has a tremendous impact on the employees and the company as a whole.

team of researchers found that workplace plants provide many benefits, including boosting productivity. Add this to their natural beauty and serenity and they become a necessary colleague in every office, even for remote ones. 

Let’s explore why you should decorate any workspace or office with greenery and flowers to effectively increase productivity:

Plants Purify Office Air

Most people believe that they breathe cleaner air while being inside a building. Actually, the air outside is less polluted than indoors. And this is true even for busy business districts and city centres. It’s a scientific fact that reduced indoor air quality leads to health problems and poor work performance. That’s where a plant in a pot comes to the rescue. 

Plants photosynthesise daily and decrease the volatile organic compounds (VOCs), release oxygen, and absorb carbon dioxide. These characteristics make them highly efficient in improving the general well-being of employees and their productivity.

Read also: 8 Tips to Improve your Health & Oxygen Intake 

Greenery Brings the Touch of Nature

Stress in the office is inevitable at some point, but there’s a lot you can do to reduce its effect on the employees. According to interior expert & guide Justin Grau, you can minimise stress by turning your workplace into a small oasis of Nature. It’s an easy and budget-friendly solution that subconsciously affects people in the office. 

A handy rule of thumb is to place a plant per square meter. Remember to add greenery in meeting rooms and common areas too! 

Flowers Boost The Mood

Indoor plants have such an enormous impact on people mainly because we associate them with the outside world, lengthy walks in nature, exploration, and adventure. They are living organisms that remind us we are all a part of a united ecosystem. 

Additionally, the green colour corresponds to tranquillity and peace. It’s one of the most calming shades.

So it’s no wonder that office plants boost happiness and set a whole different mood in the workplace. And when people are hyped, they tend to be more productive.

Check out this great guide by BBN TImes on ways to Bring Bliss and Happiness To Your Job

Having flower bouquets arranged in a vase is a beautiful and uplifting gesture for any desk used by a lady. Bring greenery and fresh aroma to your work spot, and soon enough you’ll notice the productivity benefits of having more plant life in the long term.

Plants Minimize Noise

Plants have the ability to absorb noise pollution and ensure a quiet office environment. Use them to minimize the sound of talking and keyboard clicking. They are a cheaper investment than sound insulation so it’s a win-win situation for both you and the company. 

Choose small pots for desks and bigger plants for corners to experience the maximum effect. If you have enough space, place a floral installation to serve as a focal point.

Greenery Impacts Creativity

According to the attention restoration theory, when you look at nature (even photos of sceneries) your brain switches to a different processing mode. You feel calmer, focus easily, and perform tasks better. This reflects on your sense of creativity and boosts efficiency

Workers and plants thrive together. People finish their tasks quicker and with precision, both memory and attention flourish in the presence of greenery. 

Do you already believe in the power of office plants? Hurry up and decorate your workplace with flowers to enjoy the numerous benefits. 

Read on and learn the top plants to place in your office.

How to Select the Most Suitable Indoor Plants 

When you choose plants for the workplace have in mind that not all of them bloom in this type of environment. Think about factors such as natural sunlight and regular watering. The safest choice for offices is succulents since they don’t require that much of the mentioned factors and are also known as one of the best plants for anxiety and stress. 

Here’s how to make the best choice for indoor plants:

  • Determine how much daylight the office gets. Check with your smartphone compass if the windows face west as this will provide optimum sunlight for your new leafy colleagues. If that’s not the case, then opt for varieties that thrive in shaded places.
  • Consider the reason for decorating your office with greenery. Plants can frame, fill, or follow a space. Depending on their function, choose the shape and size for your needs. 
  • Assign staff members who will be responsible for the regular watering and maintenance of the flowers to ensure they live a long and happy life.

Best Species for Office Spaces

While there are quite a few, here are a few you should easily find:

  • Peace Lily
  • Dypsis Lutescens (Areca Palm)
  • Zamioculcas Zamiifolia (ZZ Plant)
  • Chinese Evergreen
  • Monstera Deliciosa
  • Aspidistra Elatior (Cast Iron Plant)
  • Dracaena Fragrans (Corn Plant)

Let's take a closer look at each.

Peace Lily

As its name suggests, the peace lily can help you come to peace. It’s also known as a plant good for sleep. It has white flowers that instantly beautify any space. It doesn’t require a lot of light and can survive over-watering from time to time. Thanks to these characteristics, the peace lily is the ultimate office plant. 

Avoid leaving the peace lily in direct sunlight as this might damage the leaves. You’ll also want to pick another plant if your office is also home to cats as it’s toxic

Dypsis Lutescens (Areca Palm)

Use this plant if you want to set a bit of tropical vibe in the office. It’s suitable for bright spaces and also humidifies the air. Due to the size of the palm, it captures attention but also needs care in return. 

The Areca palm grows fast and soon you’ll work in the presence of hundred feathery leaves. The office will turn into a calm oasis.

Zamioculcas Zamiifolia (ZZ Plant)

The ZZ plant is not capricious. It collects water and basically takes care of itself even if you forget to water it occasionally. It can also survive longer without direct sunlight which makes it perfect for darker offices. Not to forget that the ZZ plant is extremely appealing and will improve the overall look of any desk.

Chinese Evergreen

This plant is famous for its coloured leaves - they are dark green with hints of red or silver. It represents a long life in the Chinese culture so it’s a good omen for your company. The Chinese Evergreen thrives in different types of soil but requires regular moisture. 

Monstera Deliciosa

Often referred to as the Swiss cheese plant due to the holes in its leaves, this plant grows fast and adds a tropical feel to the workplace. It prefers indirect light but also tolerates darker conditions. 

When it comes to watering, the Monstera Deliciosa is pretty forgiving. Always check if the top layer of soil is dry before moisturizing it again.

Aspidistra Elatior (Cast Iron Plant)

Aspidistra Elatior got its nickname cast iron plant because it’s almost indestructible. It can deal with low light, poor air quality, and gloomy conditions. 

Its worst nemesis is direct sunlight so position it near a north-facing window. The soil of the cast iron plant needs to be moist but never too soggy.

Dracaena Fragrans (Corn Plant)

Dracaena Fragrans is an African tropical evergreen plant that usually grows in large pots. It thrives best in bright spaces but away from direct sunlight and drafts. 

It also requires high humidity levels. To achieve that, place the plant over wet pebbles and spray the leaves with water several times per week.

Final Words

Always choose plants that match your workplace. Avoid big ferns that will overtake the space if your office is small. Also, be responsible and only get indoor plants if you’ll have the time and patience to take care of them.

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  • Callum Davies

    Really enjoyed this post

  • Dimitar Karamarinov

    In reply to: Callum Davies

    Thank you for your kind words, mate! Hacking productivity is a must nowadays.

  • David Foster

    Thank you for sparking again my interest in plants!

  • Martin Miller

    I'm getting way too attached to my plants