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4 years

Benefits of Artificial Intelligence in Inventory Management

The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in inventory management can help remove the inefficiencies in the current processes by enabling a predictive approach and reducing errors by automating operations.

4 years

How Augmented Reality is Enhancing Remote Collaboration

By leveraging augmented reality (AR) for remote collaboration, businesses can effectively communicate with every member of their organization as if they are in the same room.

4 years

The Current State of Dexterity in Robots and its Future

Dexterity in robotics is at a nascent stage but is expected to improve significantly due to advancements in machine learning, big data, and depth perception technology.

4 years

Understanding IoT Sensors: How IoT Devices Collect Data

Internet of things (IoT) sensors form the crux of many IoT systems and help collect data that is crucial to their operations.

4 years

How Sports Benefits from Artificial Intelligence

In North America alone, professional sports are nearly an $80 billion dollar industry, according to Johns Hopkins Biotech professional Ms. K. Sennaar.

4 years

Keep One Eye On The Buck & One Eye On The Bitcoin

Understanding Modern Monetary Theory is a bit like trying to beat a street hustler at Three-card Monte, there may only be three cards moving at any one point in time, but you only have two eyes, which means you’ll always end up a dollar short.

4 years

5 Tips For Staying Sane in the Tech Sector

For me, it was a conference in October last year that I began to detect the first hints of unease.