More in Technology

4 years

How Quantum Computing Can Enhance Healthcare Systems

The healthcare industry is adopting the use of quantum computing to support patient-centric care for healthcare consumers.

4 years

How Blockchain Is Revolutionizing Crowdfunding

According to experts, there are five key benefits of crowdfunding platforms: efficiency, reach, easier presentation, built-in PR and marketing, and near-immediate validation of concept, which explains why crowdfunding has become an extremely useful alternative to venture capital (VC), and has also allowed non-traditional projects, such as those started by in-need families or hopeful creatives, a new audience to pitch their cause.

4 years

Enhancing Customer Relationship Management with Artificial Intelligence

With the use of artificial intelligence customer relationship management (AI CRM), businesses can enhance customer engagement by analyzing their emotions and providing appropriate responses accordingly.

4 years

Data Science: Everything You Need to Know About Using R for the Very First Time

I was recently tasked with familiarizing an intern with R. As I thought about how best to direct him, I remembered how much I struggled to get my footing when R was entirely new to me.

4 years

Is Quantum Cryptography the Solution to Internet Security?

Quantum cryptography might hold the key to internet security as computers have become relatively faster and quicker at decrypting data.

4 years

Applying Machine Learning in Behavioral Economics

Applying machine learning in behavioral economics helps better understand human choices, enabling businesses to make better-informed decisions based on an individual’s preferences.

4 years

Artificial Intelligence and 3D Printing are Together Molding the Manufacturing Sector

The integration of AI and 3D printing in manufacturing can help increase unit production rate, detect defects, and provide real-time control over the manufacturing process.