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5 years

Exposing the Dark Side of Smart Cities

Smart cities have the ability to transform the lives of its citizens. However, there is a dark side to these smart cities that can go unnoticed.

5 years

Intelligent Infrastructure: Laying the Foundations For a Smart Future

In keeping with the global push for smarter living and governance, government leaders shouldn’t ignore the importance of prioritizing the implementation of intelligent infrastructure, which will underpin the smart initiatives while being able to accommodate further technological augmentation in the future.

5 years

Deciding Between a Data Lake and Data Warehouse

To effectively utilize the growing amount of data generated globally, enterprises need better ways of not only collecting data but also storing and organizing it for future retrieval. While exploring solutions for these purposes, they are often faced with the choice between data lakes and data warehouses. Understanding the differences between these will help business leaders to take the right approach in terms of data storage strategy.

5 years

Debunking the Zero Trust Security Model

Given the increasing number of security breaches today, the antiquated concept, ‘Trust, but verify’ should be replaced with 'Never trust, always verify.’ By leveraging a zero trust security model, companies can inspect and fix the lateral threat movement, thereby bolstering cybersecurity posture within their IT environment.

5 years

5G: The Key Enabler for Mass Adoption of AR and VR 

Despite the growing popularity and buzz, the mass adoption of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) still remains low. But with 5G’s offerings of low latency, high speed, high bandwidth, the AR and VR technologies will get pushed to the next level.

5 years

The Curious Conundrum of Custodizing Cryptocurrencies

Gregory Eaden tightens his jacket to brace the chill. It’s unseasonably cold for this time of year in New York City as he makes his way down the stairwell of a nondescript office building on West 44th Street and 8th Avenue.

5 years

For Cryptocurrency Hedge Funds, Survival is Victory

The first thing that Peter Saunders had to figure out was what was broken and then to figure out what wasn’t. He adjusted himself slightly as bolts of pain shot through his left knee cap, ending in an orgy of agony at his lower left foot.