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5 years

How to Attract Top Talent via Video Marketing

Well, I’m glad you asked! Okay, you obviously didn’t ask me… But by proxy to the conversations around finding and recruiting top talent – I have learned there are quite a few things that we can improve on in order to better find the talent. And while there are quite literally thousands of reasons as to why this is such a difficult task right now – I don’t have time to go through them all. Regardless of the reason – as business owners, executives, and hiring professionals – we need to continue doing what has got us this far; seeing the problem, then finding a solution.

5 years

How To Refine Your Recruitment Searches from The Candidate's Perspective

Most business practices can be improved by considering who the end user of said practice is, and how he or she will interact with it. For example, we often set up our support departments to easily give both customer and support agent a smooth experience in verifying security and in exploring the options available to them. We think about how it would be in the client’s shoes when arranging our own expertise to deliver the best experience possible. We pay supplier invoices as soon as possible, because we know that if the roles were reversed, we would appreciate the same.

5 years

How the Best Leaders Connect with Employees

With some people, connections come easy. Maybe you have a similar background, shared hobbies or a mutual friend. With others, however, you may not have much in common, which can make it harder to connect. If leaders aren't careful, this can also make these individuals harder to lead.

5 years

4 Simple Steps to Be a Better Leader

I was staring at my computer screen at 6PM on a Friday finally relieved that my team had gone home. It had been 4 weeks since I inherited this group, and either I was the worst leader in the free world or they were unable to be managed. It was just about this time, that I ran across a quote from Simon Sinek:

5 years

Creative Marketing Ideas for Your Business

Much like the development of the latest trends, the business world is always evolving. While it is important to stay loyal to your brand and the mission statement you represent, it is also important to tailor your marketing strategy to reach out as many people as possible. 

5 years

Eight Reasons Why Innovation Trumps Efficiency

If you are running an organization of any kind then making it more efficient is a key priority. It is important to speed up processes, eliminate waste, improve quality, reduce costs and generally please customers. And if you work hard at it you can do all of these things. But it is also important to prioritise innovation – finding new products and services and new ways to do things. 

5 years

The Benefits of Steel Building

As we become increasingly eco-conscious as we evolve – taking care of the environment is becoming part of our everyday lives, and part our decision-making process.  As such, an increasing number of people are using steel when it comes to building garden offices, man caves, and even small homes.  We have listed the main reasons why steel buildings are so eco-friendly.