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4 years

What is the Hype About Horse Racing?

Horse racing is one of the oldest sports to date and its simplicity from the outset has allowed it to keeps the intrigue of its spectators, leading to some of the most anticipated events in the sporting calendar. And not forgetting the bonus of having the opportunity to win some money, sitting back with a drink in your hand, watching your chosen horse take the lead.

4 years

How to Improve your Fitness in 2020

There’s no doubt in my mind. Getting better at fitness has been a big part of my success as a business coach. It’s about an 80:20 approach – the same that I apply to work. We’re all busy so you need a work out that gives the most reward for the least effort.    

4 years

8 Popular Home Upgrades

Whether you’re looking for ways to boost the value of your property to sell or you just want to upgrade your home for your own benefit and with Filter King and other suppliers, there are plenty of ways you can renovate without it breaking your budget. Here are eight popular upgrades you can make to your property and how much you can expect to pay.

4 years

11 Devices and Machines That Take Advantage of Pneumatic Components

Pneumatic devices are everywhere. That’s not something most people think about but it’s fascinating to think that much of what we enjoy in the modern world is made possible thanks to the way we can manipulate air—something we often think of as unsubstantial—to transmit large amounts of energy.

4 years

Funeral Poverty Crisis: 5 Ways to Cut Funeral Expenses

The latest report from Royal London states the average funeral cost is now a staggering £3,785.

4 years

5 Top Tips to Avoid Getting Sick at Work

We are in the height of cold and flu season and germs are spreading like wildfire.

4 years

A Guideline to Buying Netflix Stock

Netflix has been playing a significant role in today's multimedia company with its powerful programming. It's a great medium to enjoy movies, TV series but have you ever wonder if it could have the ability to multiply your money?