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5 years

How to Create a Disaster Recovery Plan for a Business

When everything is going smoothly, business owners seldom anticipate disaster.

5 years

How to Bolster your Enterprise by Using CNC

CNC – or computer numerical control – refers to the process of assigning a machining task to a computer. Materials such as metal, plastic, wood, and more can be used for CNC, allowing your project to diversify and tap into a plethora of markets.

5 years

Qualities of Successful Graphic Designers

The role and qualities to become a successful graphic designer are undergoing a continuous change. This has been largely triggered by the evolving requirements of industry, clients and the technology. Things like design have fast-paced evolution and survival means continuous adaptations to emerging realities. There is no room for laggards. You either grow or you are outgrown.

5 years

Searching by Voice-the New Era of SEO Begins

Searching by voice is the future of the web as it is predicted that by 2020 almost 30% of all the online searches will be done with voice without the need of a screen. The trend which was initially thought to be just a new phase which will soon pass-by has managed to stay on. The mileage it attained was due to the fact that it gave the users to ability to speak to a device rather than type to search. The beauty of voice search is that it makes web searches possible by users without the need for them to scroll different sites.

5 years

The Airline Industry is Facing Many Challenges According to Reports

The airline industry has seen better days, and is finally feeling some of the backlash for the questionable practices they’ve been using. While recent cases have gone public and helped shed some light on the situation, this has been going on for a few years, and airlines have been complacent to say the least towards consumer complaints. Though the industry is still very strong globally, the climate is very different in places like the UK where issues like Brexit are having an effect on flight travel. Let’s take a look at some of the issues facing the airline industry and what should be done to correct the situation.

5 years

The Need to Regulate Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (‘AI’) fascinates everyone, whether one is watching a science-fiction movie or just imagining the power of advanced computing. For a layman, AI is simply an ability of a computer program to mimic ‘cognitive’ functions performed by humans in real life such as learning and problem solving.

5 years

Why Bad Leaders Hear Too Much of This Sound

You may think the sound of silence means heads are down and work is getting done, but it's time to reconsider. What you should be hearing is the phone ringing, collaborative conversations, or even laughter, just to name a few. Sure, at times, when you're trying to concentrate, these sounds can be distracting-- but they are part of a team's journey towards success.