More in Global Economy

2 years

A Brief History of Widgets

For economists, “widgets” are the example of a hypothetical product you use when you don’t want to get specific.

2 years

Parents of Economics PhDs: Their Educational Background

It’s not a big shock that those who get a PhD tend to have parents who also had a higher level of education.

2 years

No, Fed: Supply Construction, Not Demand Destruction

Everyone loves to dunk on the Federal Reserve (Fed).

2 years

Thoughts on Globotics and Slobilization

“Globotics” is the name that Richard Baldwin gave to the combination of globalization and robotics in service jobs.

2 years

Distressed Places: How to Encourage Jobs

The idea of “place-based” economic policies is to focus on those geographic places–sometimes urban areas, sometimes neighborhoods within an urban area–where jobs are especially scarce and incomes especially low.

2 years

The Innovation that We Call The Deadline

In the “Acknowledgements” to his 2010 collection of essays called Studies on Science and the Innovation Process, Nathan Rosenberg wrote: “[M]y long-standing conviction [is] that the most powerful contributions to the rise in measured economic productivity in the last half of the twentieth century was the innovation that we call “`the deadline.'”

2 years

If Marooned on a Desert Island With a Pile of Economics Books

Every economics major confronts a similar set of required classes: intro micro, intro macro, intermediate micro, intermediate macro, and econometrics.