More in Global Economy

3 years

Some Economics of the Middle Class

There are two things that "everyone knows" about the US middle class: it's shrinking in size and the government isn't helping.

3 years

Will Population Fall for Many Countries Around the World?

During my adult life, the main arguments about global population typically revolved around the topic of whether growth in population would overwhelm natural resources and lead to mass starvation and environmental collapse, or whether growth in population would be accompanied by technological progress in a way that would lead to a generally rising standard of living.

3 years

The Planning Fallacy or How To Ever Get Anything Done

The "planning fallacy" refers to a psychological theory that people systematically underestimate how long it will take them to complete a given task.

3 years

Why The Brexit Deal Was Positive for the UK and EU

Brexit, the process of disconnecting the United Kingdom from the European Union, has been launched.

3 years

Lessons from World War II Statisticians: Survivorship Bias and Sequential Analysis

During World War II, a Statistical Research Group was formed to assist the war effort.

3 years

Joseph Schumpeter: "Capitalism Stands Its Trial before Judges Who Have the Sentence of Death in their Pockets"

In my experience, relatively few of those who pretend to adjudicate between capitalism and socialism are interested weighing the evidence: instead, most of these discussions quickly turn into denunciations of the flaws of capitalism, apparently with the assumption that any un-capitalism would inevitably be an improvement.

3 years

US Stocks in 2020 and the Prospects for 2021

· 2020 has been a torrid year for stock markets globally · Fiscal and monetary stimulus rescued investors from a brutal bear-market · Digital transformation has accelerated and fortunes of the technology sector with it · With mass-vaccination still some way off, 2021 will see many trends continue