More in Global Economy

4 years

How Will 2020 Affect the Property Market in 2021?

While the Coronavirus pandemic continues to affect the property market in Australia, there are already some pretty good signs that things are beginning to ease.

4 years

Where Federal Debt is Headed and Staying Off the Interest Payments Treadmill

By now, it's old news to anyone paying attention that the federal debt, based on current law, is on a trajectory to rise in an unsustainable way over the next few decades.

4 years

Fundamentals Do Matter

One of the most repeated sentences in the financial media is: “do not fight central banks”, making the argument that you have to be invested in equities and especially in the most cyclical part because central banks increase money supply and support risky assets.

4 years

New Lockdowns Could Lead Europe to Economic Depression

The rise in Covid-19 cases in countries like France and Spain has increased the risk of new lockdowns.

4 years

An Overview of Emergency COVID-19 Lending from the Fed

The Federal Reserve, like central banks everywhere, view providing financial liquidity during a crisis (being the "lender of last resort") as one of their core functions.

4 years

Every Day is a Bad Day, Say a Rising Share of Americans

The Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) is a standardized phone survey about health-related behaviors, carried out by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

4 years

COVID-19: The Economic Recovery is Stalling

The Economic Sentiment Index of the European Commission for August shows that the recovery of the European economy is slowing down.