More in Science

3 years

Demystifying Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) leverages computers and machines to mimic the problem-solving and decision-making capabilities of the human mind.

3 years

Why Global Artificial Intelligence is the Next Big Thing

Global Artificial Intelligence is emerging as the most disruptive technology of the 21st century.

3 years

Applying AI Towards A Better World: GDP, Jobs Growth & Less Pollution

The economic recession that follows as a consequence of the Covid-19 crisis and in particular the demise of certain sectors of the economy (physical retail, hospitality sector, etc) means that there will be greater pressure on politicians around the world to consider how to stimulate GPD growth in the post-pandemic world.

3 years

Reflecting on Humans & Machines: Building Digital Superminds To Run the World

Superminds are redefining the future of innovation strategy, collaboration and technology management.

3 years

The Perfect Artificial Intelligence Doesn't Exist Yet

 Scientists are unlikely to create a perfect artificial intelligence (AI).

3 years

From Unicode to Unidatacode: How to Integrate AI into ICT

Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to enhance the accessibility of information & communications technology (ICT). 

3 years

Why Data is The New Window Into Humanity?

We are no longer just organ donors, but data donors!