More in Society

2 years

Tomorrow’s Learning: Business or Education Driven

Traditional higher education institutions are attended by millions of students.

2 years

Why AI-Enabled Online Proctoring Harms Education Rather Than Saving It

AI-based proctoring seemingly creates an equal number of problems compared to the ones it solves in remotely conducted student assessments.

2 years

What Goes On in The Brain When People Feel Rejected by Others

Naomi Eisenberger designed an experiment to find out what goes on in the brain when people feel rejected by others.

2 years

Strictly For English Grammar Nerds

Grammar nerds enjoy thinking about the rules of language and how grammar affects meaning. 

2 years

The Millionaire Mind Set

Millionaire Mind Set by Dr. Thomas J. Stanley (Andrews McMeel) bears consideration even if you don’t have the goal of becoming a millionaire.

2 years

The Future is Now: Are You Ready?

Covid-19 forced us all to rethink about the future.