More in Society

2 years

How to Manage Your Nerves Before a Big Speech

Does the idea of giving an important speech or presentation make you nervous?

2 years

How to Get Your Garden Ready For Spring

The start of a new year is always an exciting time for a gardener as you can start to prepare for spring after months of bad weather.

2 years

Why the Best Leaders Don’t Care About Tenure

Just imagine you are sitting in a boardroom, and it's time to introduce yourself to another organization.

2 years

Once You See It, You Can't Unsee It: The Galileo Complex

I recently became fascinated with an idea: "The Galileo Complex". And once you see it, you can't unsee it.

2 years

What I Learned as Japan's First Professional Podcaster

There is a better way to make money in podcasting.

2 years

Everything You Need to Know About Writing a Book

It is often said that writing a book is one of the most rewarding experiences an individual can have.

2 years

Pace Yourself for the Long Haul

You are going to live much longer than you think; perhaps you'll reach 100. One day, you might take time off to travel the world.