More in Society

3 years

So How Are You Really Doing?

I don't know about you, but just maintaining some sense of balance and clarity in my life has been incredibly difficult during the last, almost, two years of this pandemic.

3 years

Will Tesla Be The First to Develop Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)?

Artificial general intelligence (AGI) is the hypothetical ability of an intelligent machine or robot to understand or learn any intellectual task that a human being can do by carrying out a huge range of tasks with ease.

3 years

Chesterton: “The Old Man is Always Wrong, and the Young People are Always Wrong about What is Wrong With Him”

Why are young people so often protesting against the conditions they have inherited from the older generation?

3 years

Finding the Path Between Berks and Wankers

An ongoing challenge in writing and editing is to avoid either being obsessive about detailed rules of grammar and usage or being proudly ignorant of any such rules.

3 years

Reintegrating Women to a Post-Pandemic Workforce

We’ve all suffered some kind of loss since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.

3 years

Vehicles that Would Benefit from a GPS Tracker

As an increasingly popular security feature offering many benefits for drivers, GPS vehicle trackers are a great theft recovery solution for all types of vehicles.

3 years

Wondering What To Do With Your Old House? Here Are Some Pointers

Are you looking to move to a new place soon? Moving is an easy thing to do.