More in Technology

2 years

Writing Tech Books? Stock up on Ramen

Back in the mid 1990s, when I began writing books, you could write a book on Windows or Microsoft Word or HTML and be able to command an advance upwards of $18,000 to $20,000, and 18% royalties on gross and sell potentially tens of thousands of books.

2 years

Five Factors Supporting the Rapid Growth of Robotics Through 2022

The rapid growth of robotics is reshaping the global economy post pandemic.

2 years

How Deep Learning Can Transform the Transportation Sector

Deep learning in transportation is expected to plug out some of the oldest and most stubborn problems affecting the sector’s overall performance.

2 years

The Convergence of Powerful Ideas is Driving a New Wave of Innovation

Innovation is less about the power of the lone wolf.

2 years

How Blockchain Can Transform TV Cable and Subscription Viewing

Right from creating content to advertising it, blockchain in television is making tremendous advancements and benefiting both content creators and viewers. 

2 years

Wearable AR and the Future of Augmented Training

Immersive technologies like augmented reality (AR) can create rich, contextual user experiences in amazing ways.

2 years

How to Enhance Soft Skills Training with Virtual Reality

With today’s global market, companies more than ever are facing an ever-growing skills gap.