More in Technology

4 years

Assessing Artificial Intelligence Driven Kiosks

AI-driven kiosks powered with human intelligence and self-learning capabilities are making your local kiosks look obsolete.

4 years

Understanding the Differences Between Edge Computing and Decentralized Computing

Due to their similar names and the general unawareness of advanced computing, some people tend to think that decentralized computing and edge computing are similar.

4 years

Here is How Robots are Revolutionizing Mining

By automating the various tasks involved in mining, from the detection of minerals and other materials to excavation, mining robots can revolutionize the mining industry.

4 years

Tutorial: How to Make Music with GarageBand in 2020

GarageBand is available on Mac OS devices as a music creation program.

4 years

Benefits of AI in Synthetic Biology

The use of AI in synthetic biology can help engineers create new methods to design genetic circuits that can vastly impact sectors such as healthcare, agriculture, and aid in environmental sustainability.

4 years
4 years

What the Arrival of Cognitive Computing Means for Travel and Tourism

Employing cognitive computing in travel can assist travelers in planning their getaways and provide for more enjoyable and pleasurable trips.