More in Technology

4 years

Molecular Manufacturing Made Easy with AI

AI-powered robots can help simplify time-consuming design and manufacturing tasks and help automate molecule manufacture to search for novel drugs and materials.

4 years

Dethroning The Dollar Requires Much More than Digitalization

Whilst it would be tempting to presume that a digital, frictionless state-issued cryptocurrency has the potential to unseat the dollar, a global currency requires much more than ease of use.

4 years

The Importance of Cybersecurity For Small Businesses

As the number of cyberattacks worldwide grows exponentially each year, cybersecurity has never been more important.

4 years

IoT is a Hot Topic in Cold Chain Logistics

IoT for cold chain logistics can ensure that your long-distance food, perishable products, and medicines are delivered with assured freshness and quality.

4 years

How AI Can Help Protect the Environment

The environment is a precious resource.

4 years

Self-Healing Robots: Making War Casualties a Thing of the Past

The wars of the future may be fought entirely with the help of robots, and the use of self-healing robots will become imperative to have the upper hand and a strategic advantage over adversaries.

4 years

How Computer Vision Can Help in Building AR Environments

The use of computer vision will help augmented reality (AR) devices to build a more accurate augmented environment by helping it to determine where to place virtual images in accordance with real space.