More in Technology

5 years

Smart Cities and Sustainability

By using digital technologies, cities can be transformed not only to become connected and smart but also resilient and sustainable. Hence, smart cities and sustainability are related to each other.

5 years
5 years

Do Not Pay Ransomware – A Lesson for Municipalities

Remember how cybersecurity professionals were telling municipalities not to pay ransomware extortion as it would reinforce and embolden future attacks specifically against their sector? Well, it appears that over 20 government agencies throughout Texas have been hit with ransomware in a coordinated attack.

5 years

5 Challenges to Mainstream AR Adoption

Current challenges with augmented reality technology include inconvenient user experience and physical safety risks.

5 years

How Robotic Process Automation is Reshaping Education

With its automation capability, RPA tools will boost the accuracy and efficiency of the otherwise mundane administrative work. Indeed, RPA for education can be a catalyst for innovation in the sector.

5 years

Overcoming the Challenges to Data Integration in IoT

The problem of data integration in IoT is among the biggest hurdles to IoT adoption that businesses across the world are experiencing with the continued propagation of the technology. Solving this challenge may require technology leaders to rethink and revamp their traditional IT infrastructures.

5 years

Big Data in the Pharmaceutical Industry

The advent of big data in the pharmaceutical industry will enhance R&D, improve clinical trials, and upgrade drug discovery.