More in Technology

2 years

Introducing Blockchain 4.0

The simplest and best definition of Blockchain technology is to think about it as electricity, you only see its applications but you understand how important it’s and know there are many applications and products that can run on it.

2 years

How to Create a Perfect Instagram Story

Instagram is a major social media platform, which helps you form a more personal connection with your target audience.

2 years

How Sensors, RFID Tags and Facial Recognition Are Transforming Retail

Sensors, RFID tags and facial recognition can monitor product movement, track location and reduce instances of fraud.

2 years

Lessons from Uber’s Recent Breach

Every cybersecurity breach is an opportunity to learn and adapt.

2 years

Robots Can Help Us Reimagine The Fine Arts

Contrary to popular misconception, robotic art and other AI applications in fine arts can help artists become creatively and commercially successful.

2 years

How Machine Learning Can Prevent Train Delays

The use of machine learning can help anticipate train delays, detect early signs of failure and plan routes based on changing needs.

2 years

Edge Computing Paradigm

Edge computing is a model in which data, processing and applications are concentrated in devices at the network rather than existing almost entirely in the cloud.