More in Technology

2 years

How Artificial Intelligence Audits Eliminate Algorithmic Biases

Algorithm bias may develop when AI is used to tackle global problems, resulting in unanticipated, wrong, and damaging outcomes.

2 years

These 5 Technologies are Helping the Police !

Big data, drones, artificial intelligence, internet of things and augmented reality are helping the police in crime prevention.

2 years

How Artificial Intelligence Can Improve Back Office By Auditing, Streamlining Data and Verifying Documents

Artificial intelligence (AI) can improve back office procedures by automating the auditing process, verifying documents and streamlining data.

2 years

How Blockchain and Telecommunications are Working Together

Blockchain and telecommunications are working together by minimizing losses due to fraud, automating revenue collection and enabling peer-to-peer payments.

2 years

The Real Cost Of Bad Parking Infrastructure

The cost of bad parking infrastructure extends beyond just lost parking revenues.

2 years

4 In-Room Technology Trends You Will See in Luxurious Hotels

Travel and tourism technologies are constantly evolving, making them more accessible and efficient for businesses and consumers.

2 years

Intelligence at the Edge: Where Significance and Security Meet

We’ve all attended big events where security was tight. Maybe not White House level; but people scanned your ticket or personal invitation, another person checked your ID and a cadre of bystanders with headsets and dark glasses stood along the edge making sure the event went smoothly.

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