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5 years

5 Sales Strategies Not Found in How-to Books

As a salesperson, you’re trained to ask customers what they want in terms of your product offerings. That’s wise advice but it’s incomplete. If you only ask customers what they want and then give it to them, you’re missing the biggest opportunity that has ever come in front of you – the chance to sell innovation.

5 years

India: Supreme Court upholds IBC's Constitutional validity

In an important judgement, the Supreme Court (SC) has upheld the constitutional validity of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code 2016 (IBC) under Article 14 of Constitution of India and dismissed that its provisions were discriminatory in nature.

5 years

Heart Healthy Valentine's Day!

It seems like just yesterday when we could see Halloween candy followed by Christmas treats at every store. And then with the turn of the year, aisles of holiday décor were replaced with Valentine’s Day candy. It surely doesn’t end here; after Valentine’s Day is over; I am sure we will see confectionery targeted specifically for St. Patrick’s Day and Easter. Amid all this candy, it’s time we stop and map out our Valentine’s Day survival guide.

5 years

Customer Centricity Takes Collaboration

A customer-centric culture is not just about offering good service. It’s a way of doing business that provides a positive customer experience before, during and after the sale in order to drive repeat business, customer loyalty and profits.

5 years

19 Negative Phrases to Avoid when Fostering a Disruptive Culture

Every best performing company will need to embrace the Disruptive Culture based on innovation and Forward Thinking in order to survive the Disruptive Economy. The new rule of business is there are no rules at all in the future. Everything from a simple notion to a company practice to an industry trend can be challenged and disrupted easily and quickly. These disruption can come from exponential technology growth, rapid change of consumer behavior and unexpected competition from other industries. 

5 years

What Every Leader Should Aspire To

“Always Bet on the Jockey, Not the Horse.”

5 years

7 Startling Things Hindering Your Development as a Leader

If you are unhappy in your development as a leader, you’re not alone. Many people in leadership roles struggle with hitting a plateau when it comes to enhancing their leadership skills. As with the path to developing any skill, you are going to hit valleys and peaks on your way to improving as a leader. If you are currently in one of these valleys or unsure why you aren't developing, consider some of these potential factors: