Heart Healthy Valentine's Day!

Heart Healthy Valentine's Day!

It seems like just yesterday when we could see Halloween candy followed by Christmas treats at every store. And then with the turn of the year, aisles of holiday décor were replaced with Valentine’s Day candy. It surely doesn’t end here; after Valentine’s Day is over; I am sure we will see confectionery targeted specifically for St. Patrick’s Day and Easter. Amid all this candy, it’s time we stop and map out our Valentine’s Day survival guide.

There is nothing wrong with treating yourself and your family on Valentine’s Day. It’s when we start indulging on a regular basis that it becomes less of a treat and more of a health concern.  

This Valentine’s Day indulge your sweetheart or your family with a heart- healthy gift:
  • Instead of buying a large amount of the cheap treats consider spending more on a smaller portion of the high quality stuff.
  • Change your mindset and focus on quality rather than quantity.
  • Consider giving a gift that has more permanence. A poem, a love song, or even better a pedometer or running shoes, your loved ones will remember you every time they take a step. How cool is that!
  • Enjoy your day as a family with a special night of chocolate dipped fruit. Simply prep some of your favorite fruits, melt some quality chocolate, dip and enjoy. Keep the ratio of fruit to chocolate high. It tastes great and the fiber from fruit keeps your blood sugar under control.
  • If your children are having a Valentine’s Day party at their school or day care, instead of sending candies, consider mini-boxes of raisins, mini-bags of pretzels, pencils or stickers as tokens of their friendly affection.
  • Surprise your date with a home cooked meal. I am sure they will appreciate your effort and fall in love with you and your food.
  • Use this day as an opportunity to tell your loved ones about your true feelings.
  • Share ideas that you can use to support each other’s health and wellbeing.
  • Buy your sweetheart a tennis lesson or get enrolled in a gym/fitness class.
  • If you do go out for a romantic dinner date, order one entrée to share. Splitting meals will keep you from overindulging.
  • One of the best things you can do for your heart is to give up smoking or help a loved one quit.
Your sweetheart may have the key to your heart, but a proper diet and regular physical activity can be the key to their healthy heart and life.

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  • Joshua Adams

    I will start my diet very soon

  • Emma McMahon

    A big thumps up for this article

  • Phil Rattcliff

    I've never been on track this long so I don't want to screw up.

  • Celine Willemse

    Love your ideas !!!

  • Georgina Williamson

    Wow nice ideas

  • Emma Johnson

    Just amazing

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Parul Agrawal

Leadership Expert

Parul Agrawal is an International Bestselling Author, Speaker, Forbes Coaches Council Member and Podcast Host. She holds a double Master’s in Engineering from Arizona State University (ASU); worked as a Research Scientist at ASU and Engineer for Intel Corporation. In an effort to help others address major medical issues and live more healthily, she pursued holistic studies and acquired her certification as a wellness expert. After launching a successful Wellness Coaching business, Parul delivered the message of health through public speaking in various community centers and corporations. Parul’s life and business changed dramatically after she wrote a book on the benefits of juicing that became an International Bestseller in multiple categories. The book’s phenomenal success resulted in her being featured in major publications like the Huffington Post, Thrive Global, Forbes and as a guest on ABC Arizona. Parul has not only continued her success as an author and businesswoman, but she has paid-it-forward, by helping over 100 writers become bestselling authors, too! She is the founder of an International Publishing Platform where she helps thought leaders in the areas of health, wellness and consciousness write their books, achieve bestseller authority status, and land in mainstream media - just like she did! Parul is currently experiencing the honor of being listed as one of the 30 change-makers in India for the year 2018.

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