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2 years

5 Design Tips to Increase Productivity

Your space forms the basis and structure for how your staff operate.

2 years

Ontario Law Setting 60-Day Deadline For Slip-And-Fall Claim Notice Added Burden On Plaintiff Lawyer

After the latest New Ontario legislation, it is now easier to defend "slip and fall" lawsuits that involve snow and ice by tightening the notice period for launching an action.

2 years

Great Leaders Throw Down Mighty Challenges

In a legendary speech on May 25, 1961, President John F. Kennedy announced to a joint session of Congress the remarkable and ambitious goal of sending a man to the moon.

2 years

The Most Important Conversation a Leader Can Have

I looked up nearly in tears as my manager finished his 30-minute berating rant about my performance, and all I could focus on was the exit sign in the distance. It was my only outlet at that point. I was chasing a goal arbitrarily set by my manager, that I had no chance of achieving unless something miraculous happened.

2 years

Hire Great People and Unleash Their Creativity

As Steve Jobs once said, “people with passion can change the world.”

2 years

Leverage Intent Data To Be More Empathic With Your Prospects In 2022

Intent data brings a certain empathy into marketing campaigns.

2 years

The Main Reasons Why So Many People Are Choosing To Work Remotely

With technology making it easier than ever to connect with colleagues and clients from anywhere in the world, more and more people are taking advantage of the flexibility that working remotely offers.