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5 years

How to Beat Stress During College Exams?

Stress is one of the biggest nightmares when it comes to college exams. The purpose of an exam is to assess the knowledge and skills acquired by students throughout a semester. However, when stress becomes an influencing factor, the whole purpose of fair assessment is gone.

5 years

Microlearning Experiences: The Future of Professional Education

The world of professional education is in the midst of the biggest transition in my lifetime. We’re moving from a world of highly produced (costly), time-consuming, top-down, check the box training and towards microlearning. We define Microlearning as quick, short educational experiences driven by the learner. What’s powering this movement? It’s a cheaper, faster, more effective way to produce the desired results.

5 years

7 Tips You Need To Take On Board To Succeed In Business

There are so many businesses, start-ups, and entrepreneurs who are all looking to be successful with their ideas. However, being successful is easier said than done, and if you want to really stand out from the crowd, then it’s worth taking this advice. Here are 7 tips you need to take on board to succeed in business.

5 years

3 Reasons Company Values are Important to Growth

It’s always been important to me to have good values, and I try to show them by making good decisions, giving to others, and sharing my talents. As human beings, that’s just what we are supposed to do, right?

5 years

Working Mothers: The Jobs You Can Do From Home

Jobs for mothers can be more than a little difficult to find. In the vast majority of families, they are the main carer for the younger children. 

5 years

How is Public Transport Changing to Become More Sustainable

Sustainability has become a key objective for government-funded transportation. Operators need to ensure that the taxpayers are getting an acceptable return on their investment, but they also need to balance a wider concern for the environment.

5 years

How Technology is Changing the Independent Businesses of Today

Technology and business have always been closely intertwined but never more so than they are today. Technology has evolved at a rapid rate in recent years and now businesses can use all kinds of different tech to streamline, improve and modernise no matter what industry they operate in.