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5 years

Before 2020 Challenge — What are you Going to Accomplish?

This article is different from most of my articles in the past because I’m issuing a challenge to everyone that wants to push themselves: The #Before2020 challenge. What are you going to push yourself to achieve before the year 2020?

5 years

3 Innovative Ways Organizations Can Use Video to EduMarket

If you haven’t heard of Gary Vaynerchuk (@Garyvee on twitter), you’re missing out. Gary is a best-selling author and social media expert. He has built a highly successful strategic creative agency helping businesses maximize social media in today’s crazy and noisy world. I would highly recommend you consume everything he’s put out. He has enough video content on the YouTube to keep you engaged well-beyond your Netflix Daredevil binge. In one of his articles, “The Rise of Video Marketing on Social and How if Affects Your Business,” Gary says,

5 years

How to Find Your Real Business Purpose

What a week! Meltdown in Westminster, no sign of a resolution to the endless Brexit calamity, fires burning in the Amazon, disaster in the Bahamas, Hong Kong paralysed by discontent. Uncertainty has become the new normal. It feels like the world is in uncharted territory.  

5 years

Remarketing on Google: What is it?

It is a common occurrence that a majority of the people who visit a particular website bounce back in seconds. In fact, statistics have shown that only less than a percent of people who visit your website actually result in making a transaction. If you think it is hard to get people to your website for the first time, it is harder the next time as they already know what they will be served with largely. But the best part of the story is that it is not impossible and there are ways to get back your lost traffic.

5 years

Why the Best Leaders Embrace Humility at Work

There are many attributes that leaders must develop if they wish to have a meaningful impact in the workplace. Empathy improves your ability to relate with those you lead, while a focus on accountability ensures that everyone gives their best effort.

5 years

Non-Compatible: Finding Matching Software For Your Devices

Windows, MacOS, and Android are just three examples of operating systems which are used in the modern world. Each of them is made by a different company. Android is the most complicated one using different processors that are often non-compatible with over devices. This is becoming an increasingly frustrating issue for several users, with software options often lacking the compatibility you need to be able to do work across all of your devices. To help you out with this, we will be exploring some of the tricks which can be done to find matching software for your machines.

5 years

What The Mason Jar Can Teach Us About Microlearning

In 1858, Landis Mason invented the Mason jar, designed for home canning and food preservation. Fast-forward to today, and you’ll see the Mason jar used for anything but canning! Herb gardens, adult beverage containers, lighting fixtures, soap dispensers, terrariums, etc. You name it, there’s surly a Mason jar hack for it. Check out 50 creative uses for mason jars: