More in Companies

7 years

Brexit – A Farce That Won’t Break Hyperion’s European Objectives

As another Brexit controversy-filled week passes us by, at Hyperion we find ourselves unsurprised and unmoved. Regardless of how the Brexit fiasco pans out, our business model will remain unchanged.

7 years

The Two Very Different Futures Facing Carmakers

The kaleidoscope is defined as “a constantly changing pattern or sequence of elements”, and although carmakers have previously undergone numerous changes, the Internet of things (IoT) has spawned new ways to unlock valuable revenue streams through the emergence of a new ecosystem of personal mobility. This could result in the automotive industry becoming either extremely fragmented due to incremental changes or convergent as the disruptive forces of autonomous vehicles (AV), electric vehicles (EV) and mobility as a service (MaaS) redefine the concept of transportation.

7 years

Tax Exempts - The Paradise Papers

Taxes are flavor of the month. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (House Bill) was released last week; the Senate is about a week behind with its own bill. The press and professional advisors are producing article after article to figure out what it all means.

7 years

Towards Better Corporate Governance in India

The Indian Government’s tirade against shell companies and its officers continues in full swing. As per the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), around 224,000 shell companies (companies remaining inactive for a period of two years or more) have been struck off from the Register of companies. This is about 15% of the total companies registered in India.

7 years

Are Independent Directors Independent?

The separation of control from ownership in publicly listed companies requires effective corporate governance. As investors have limited visibility, it gives rise to the “agency problem”, where managers, as agents, may not run the company in the best interests of the shareholders.

7 years

Meet Sophia, the First Robot to be Granted Citizenship by Saudi Arabia

Her name is Sophia. She looks a bit like Audrey Hepburn and gives facial expressions while talking. She has an answer for every question. And she is the first robot to be granted citizenship of Saudi Arabia.

7 years

The Paradise Papers - Revelation or Cover-Up ?

Today is the beginning of the upcoming media frenzy about the Paradise Papers that will reveal many more names of public individuals, public companies, politicians and many not-so-public individuals with a blatant disregard for tax laws.