More in Global Economy

4 years

Interview with Sandra Black: Education Outcomes and A Stint in Politics

Douglas Clement has an interview with Sandra Black in the Fall 2020 issue of For All, a publication of the Opportunity & Inclusive Growth Institute at the Minneapolis Federal Reserve.

4 years

Will China Be Caught in the Middle-Income Trap?

The "middle-income trap" is the phenomenon that once an economy has made the big leap from being a lower-income country to being a middle-income country, then it may find it difficult (although not impossible) to make the next leap from being middle-income to high-income. 

4 years

Central Bank Digital Currency: A Growth Or Financial Repression Tool?

The main central banks have been discussing the idea of implementing a digital currency.

4 years

The Google Antitrust Case and Echoes of Microsoft

The US Department  of Justice has filed an antitrust case against Google.

4 years

Will Vote-by-Mail Affect the Election Outcome?

For the 2020 election, the United States will rely more heavily on vote-by-mail than ever before. Is it likely to affect the outcome?

4 years

The Ada Lovelace Controversies

Ada Lovelace (1815-1852) is generally credited with being the first computer programmer: specifically, after Charles Babbage wrote down the plans for his Analytical Engine (which Britannica calls "a general-purpose, fully program-controlled, automatic mechanical digital computer"), Lovelace wrote down a set of instructions that would allow the machine to calculate the "numbers of Bernoulli". Suw Charman-Anders gives an overview of the episode and some surrounding historical controversy in "Ada Lovelace: A Simple Solution to a Lengthy Controversy" (Patterns, October, 9, 2020, volume 1, issue 7). 

4 years

Interview with Gary Hoover: Economics and Discrimination

The Southwest Economy publication of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas has published "A Conversation with Gary Hoover" (Third Quarter 2020, pp. 7-9).