More in Science

2 years

Simply Having an Omicron Christmastime

Friends- I really don’t want to be writing about COVID at Christmas. Traditionally this time of year, I am aiming at inspiration and aspiration, not exasperation.

2 years

In-Demand Healthcare Careers in the US for Expats

If you’re currently in the healthcare field and looking into moving to the US, then it’s just right that you plan out how you’re going to get a living.

2 years

5 Steps Involved in Drug Discovery and How Deep Learning is Improving Drug Research

The use of deep learning in drug discovery is leading to more accurate results, lower time and innovative discoveries.

2 years

COVID, Vaccines, and Your Heart

As may have come to your attention by now, a very large study in England- of nearly 40 million people- examined and compared the cardiovascular complications of various COVID19 vaccines, and the infection itself. 

2 years

IoT and Big Data Are Working Together To Develop Better Vaccines in the Covid-19 Era

Big data and the internet of things (IoT) are playing a major role in the development and global distribution of modern vaccines. 

2 years

NASA Spacecraft Enters Sun’s Atmosphere For The First Time Ever

Nasa's Parker Solar Probe flew into and through the solar corona, the sun's outer atmosphere for the first time in history.

2 years

The Imperatives of Diet Now: Is “Should” On The Menu?

Poor diet quality is the leading predictor of morbidity (i.e., chronic disease) and mortality (i.e., dying prematurely) in the modern world.