More in Science

4 years

COVID-19 Has Put the Childhood Back in Children

Have you heard it? Have you heard the whispers or caught sight of the tilted, six-foot knowing glances of parents no longer chained to travel sports?

4 years

A Quick Guide to Welding Types & Applications

What do a boat, trailer, car and skyscraper have in common? When made with steel, they're held together by welds.

4 years

Post COVID-19 Physician Entrepreneurship

COVID-19 has changed the world, and, with it, the future of physician entrepreneurship.

4 years

COVID Con Tempo: Contagion, Waves, and Cowabunga

I don’t think it is much of a stretch to say the United States has responded to the challenge of the COVID pandemic by doing nearly everything wrong. 

4 years

Future of America Under COVID-19 

Life is a full circle. What goes around comes around. Our lives also does not stay stagnant.

4 years

Life, Style, and Hard Times

I was privileged Friday morning to address the virtually assembled multitudes for the 2020 Harvard Lifestyle Medicine conference. 

4 years

Cabled not Disabled

COVID-19 has been particularly cruel to segments of the population, including minorities, nursing home residents and the disabled.