More in Science

4 years

Conflict of Interest in the Post-Truth Era: What is it, Now?

What is, and what is not, a conflict of interest - in public health, and in general?

4 years

How Do Continuous Flow Reactors Improve Drug Discovery?

Despite major medical advancements, the need for new drugs remains constant — making quick and safe drug discovery as vital as ever. However, in many cases, the drug discovery process remains slow, challenging and tedious, requiring large numbers of tests that limit the speed of identification and manufacturing.

4 years

7 Unique and Interesting Careers for Science Lovers

Science helps to explain the phenomena around you. It enables critical thinking, enhances quantitative reasoning, and helps to answer some of life’s biggest questions.

4 years

Healthcare Entrepreneurship: Expand the Area under your Network Curve

Building and managing your social network, both face to face and online, is a core entrepreneurial competence. It should also be a personal care competence.

4 years

Diet and Health, Right and Wrong, and the Dire Ills of the Middle

The most acute problem with modern journalism is – undoubtedly - the assault upon it from on high, and the impersonation of it by propaganda mills. 

4 years

Health Benefits of Amino Acids Backed by Science

Branch chain amino acids, or BCAAs, are something you usually see sold in stores with protein powders and other fitness supplements. However, adding these organic compounds to your diet is good for more than beefing up your fitness routine. 

4 years

New Year, Best Diet? Variants, Theme, and One Timely Truth... for All to Swallow

Inevitably this time of year, we are awash in a perennial bounty of advice about how to eat. As one of the annual judges for US News & World Report’s “best diets” release, I am personally tangled up in my own fair share of it.