More in Science

4 years

Coronavirus: It's Time for Physician Entrepreneurs to Take Action

These are scary times. But, if you are a physician entrepreneur, don't fall prey to fear and to playing defense.

4 years

Coronavirus: The Impact on Innovation

If you are reading this, you probably have recently received several emails from organizations and consulting clients that reflect the impact COVID is having on (biomedical) innovation and entrepreneurship.

4 years

Which Home DNA Test Kit Company Proves the Strongest Science?

At-home, or as they should be called direct-to-consumer, DNA testing kits are growing more popular by the day.

4 years

Create a Civilian Medical Reserve Corps

According to a recent NY Times opinion piece, epidemiological models suggest that by late April we could have millions of Americans infected, and the danger is that people with other ailments die for want of care in the chaos.

4 years

When a Conservative Agrees With Al Sharpton about Emergency Care

I never imagined in my wildest dreams that I, a relatively conservative Midwestern Emergency Physician, would see the day where I agreed with something Al Sharpton said in his recent correspondence to the Congressional Black Caucus.

4 years

Coronavirus Mortality Reality Check

The best available global data continue to paint a largely reassuring picture of coronavirus mortality for most of us and our loved ones. I will return to that, COVID-19, and such comfort as I can render amidst this upheaval, momentarily.

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