More in Science

4 years

Personalized Nutrition: All Tree, No Forest

I am going to go out on a limb- as in the photo- and contend that pretty much everything we’ve heard about “personalized nutrition” is just the kind of tree that makes it hard to see the forest.

4 years

How to Grease the Academic-Industry Skids

Research finds that the U.S. innovation ecosystem has splintered since the 1970s, with corporate and academic science pulling apart and making application of basic scientific discoveries more difficult. The analysis also shows that Venture Capital (VC)-backed scientific entrepreneurship has helped to bridge this gap between corporate science and academia — but only in a couple of sectors. These findings suggest that if we want to see greater productivity growth, we need to explore alternative ways to translate science into invention.

4 years

Doctors Need to Show up, Not Just Put a Hand up

Once again, after attending a digital health accelerator event, the lack of doctors and other health professionals at the meeting spoke volumes about their unwillingness or inabilility to meaningfully participate in designing, developing and deploying digital health products and services that could help transform sickcare to healthcare and move us towards the quintuple aim.

5 years

Diet Science, Weaponized

I begin today with some rather blunt statements, so best to brace for it. Ready? 

5 years

Trends in Healthcare Delivery Entrepreneurship Education

Medical entrepreneurship is the pursuit of opportunity under VUCA conditions with the goal of creating multiple stakeholder defined value through the deployment of medical technology and care delivery innovation using a VAST business model.

5 years

Insulin Pump Recalled due to Cybersecurity Risks

As technology continues to advance and healthcare becomes more digital, more privacy and security concerns start to come with it. This recall of a wirelessly controlled insulin pump is a prime example. According to the FDA:

5 years

What Health is For

All too readily in my world, health can masquerade as a moral imperative- the admonishment attached to a wagging finger and reproaching scowl. While there may be responsibilities wound up with health- for ourselves and one another- the main reason to pursue it is far more enticing. Other things being equal, healthy people have more fun. Health is for pleasure. This is perhaps especially noteworthy as the holiday season, with its inevitable blend of temptation, indulgence, and guilt- closes in on us.