More in Science

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Quantum Entanglement And Innovation In An Instant

Einstein called it spooky, but today, it's just a part of innovation.

3 years

How to Make Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning Work for You

Investment in artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning and deep learning are growing from organizations outside the tech space.

3 years

New Hyperbaric Therapy Could Limit and Perhaps Reverse Cognitive Decline

Oxygen might be the new tool for enhancing cognitive function in the elderly.

3 years

Sending Sound Right Into Your Brain Might Reinvent Music

Sound, as the vibration of air, may go the way of vinyl.

3 years

The Protein Content of Baloney, and Vice Versa

A source of ‘good protein’ need not be a ‘good source’ of protein. - David L. Katz

3 years

Will Artificial Intelligence Ever Become Conscious?

Artificial consciousness is a matter of time. 

3 years

Why the EU Lags behind in Artificial Intelligence, Science and Technology

It is not surprising that Europe, despite having a strong industrial base and leading AI research and talent, is dragging behind the US and China.