More in Technology

4 years

7 Best Photo Organizing Software Programs

Photos are the pictorial representation of each memory that you relive every time you face it.

4 years

Using Robots for Last-Mile Delivery

Robotics is at the leading edge of technological research being used in the world. Robots are being used everywhere from carrying out simple household work to even delivering products by delivery robots.

4 years

How to Use Tech to Revamp the Customer Service Experience

Technology has touched upon every single facet of a business. Customer service, which is a make-or-break function for any business, seems to be the biggest benefactor.  

4 years

Holographic AR is the Future of Education

With the use of Holographic AR in education on the rise, it won’t be long before students step into the classroom without the presence of a physical teacher.

4 years

Innovation, Jobs, and Demographics

Recently, a friend of mine, analyst Syed Muhammad Osama Rizvi, wrote a fascinating article in the Pakistan-based Express Tribune (with Linked In commentary here) about the nature of innovation and its role in the shift of America from a barely subsistent agrarian country into one of the most powerful countries on earth. Overall, I'm in agreement with his assessment, but I also think that there's more to the story.

4 years
4 years

A Brief History of Bitcoin Mining Technology

The rise of cryptocurrency has seen a huge industry born out of what many claimed to be one giant ponzi scheme.