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3 years

What Is Content Management System And Why It's Important To Use It?

With the growing need for digital content, the use of applications like CMS or Content Management System has also increased.

3 years

An Anticipatory Organization® Can Preemptively Dissect Problems

As dark and dreary a picture as the term “post-mortem” may paint in your mind, as it is a term frequently used in the medical industry to determine the cause of death, there is an integral competency in business it pertains to: a finished project or a new product, and the customer response to it.

3 years

The Most Important Body Language Signal for Leadership Presence

I see it all the time. When people find out that I am a keynote speaker on Leadership Presence and Body Language, they all do the same thing: they change their posture - holding their head higher, pulling their shoulders back and tightening their abdominal muscles.

3 years

Projecting Leadership Presence in a Teleconference

In a famous 2002 experiment, a Stanford University professor made audiotapes of physicians and their patients in session.

3 years

Personal Injury Law Marketing Guide: 6 Important Things To Know

What is a personal injury lawyer? A personal injury lawyer is a lawyer who handles cases in which victims of negligence or intentional harm, such as car accidents and dog bites, suffer personal injuries.

3 years

Top 5 Virtual Reality Headsets For Business

Virtual reality (VR) offers businesses new ways to engage with their customers.

3 years

Smart, Sustainable, Scalable and Secure! Discover the 4 Pillars of IBM Power10

As many organisations reflect on decisions made at speed during the pandemic, the critical question now arises: are your core IT operations agile and ever-ready for the next wave of rapidly evolving digital demands?