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5 years

Don't Get Stuck: Move Forward

A difficult problem can and will eventually become a roadblock so large that it renders forward progress in any productive way virtually impossible. The direct result of a roadblock as such is more often than not, procrastination, and the longer this problem is in place, the more you become convinced there are no solutions. This couldn’t be further from the truth.

5 years

6 Surefire Ways to Build a Customer-Centric Business

Criticism. Sometimes it can be hard to take. It’s so easy to get defensive and try to blame everyone else. And yet, to be successful in business, you need to build a culture that actively seeks criticism and insight from customers. If you go looking for praise, you’ll find it. But it won’t take you anywhere. You won’t improve as a result of it.  

5 years

5 Signs Your Company Is Stuck In The Past

Failing to move with the times can cost you customers.

5 years

How Globalization Affects Businesses

With the world constantly getting smaller, businesses need to have a firm understanding of globalization and what it can mean for their operation. Globalization can affect all areas of life and, while there are certainly some advantages, there are also a few drawbacks which are important to be aware of too.

5 years

Sadfishing - The Latest Toxic Social Media Trend

We've had Tweeps, sliding into your DM's, Vaguebooking and Sharebait and now comes along Sadfishing which is being hailed as a toxic threat especially to young children.

5 years

6 Mistakes that People Make with their CV

Your resumé / CV is your golden ticket to a new career... or potentially the quickest way to kill your prospects of a dream job. Why? Because all too often recruiters / employers are looking at ways to rule you out so they can get to the best candidates, so here I have highlighted some common mistakes that people make which you can easily eradicate:

5 years

Protect Your Banking App - Protect Your Clients

Building applications for mobile devices has become the new industry for developers to get-rich-quick. Often times developers will seek to create the next innovative app that revolutionizes society as we know it. Other developers seek to improve upon what we already have. A new industry to begin their transition towards the digital age is the banking industry.