More in Global Economy

4 years

Some Economics of Collectibles

Collectibles is the broad name given to ownership of goods including fine art, antiques, watches and jewellery, wines classic cars, luxury handbags, and even musical instruments.

4 years

Revisiting March 2020: What Were Epidemiologists Thinking about Masks?

A basic part of building credibility is not to flip-flop on your advice.

4 years

Revisiting March 2020: What Was Wrong With the Very High Early Death Estimates?

The "curse of knowledge" refers to a well-known behavioral bias: when you know something, it's hard to remember what is was like not to know it.

4 years

US Economy Under Biden: Keynesian and Interventionist Policies Won't Take America to the Next Level

Many financial experts have rushed to make what has been regarded as “Biden trade” calls based on the projections by The Associated Press, NBC News and other news outlets of a Joe Biden presidency.

4 years

Entering the Labor Market in a Recession: Some Findings and Advice

Trying to get a job during a period of recession and high unemployment is hard for everyone, especially those just entering the labor market for the first time.

4 years

The Prospects for Emerging and Frontier Markets in the Post-Covid Environment

The Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated several economic trends.

4 years

The Dam Removal Problem

One of the many highlights of my fatherhood experience was when one of my children was assigned a paper on the Hoover Dam.