More in Science

6 years

The Myth of Patient Consumerism

The newest mantra in sick care is patient empowerment to make them effective consumers of care. The underlying assumption seems to be that by giving them the information they need, patients will make sick care decisions, and even health care decisions, that are not only in their own best interests, but, in so doing, in the interests of the society at large. Doctors are being asked to do the same thing. Unfortunately, it is virtually impossible to serve three or four masters. The problem is that asking patients to shop for care does not work.

6 years

10 Reasons Why Medical Societies Should Offer Bioentrepreneurship Education

Doctors are questioning the value proposition of national, state and local medical societies. In addition, their membership base has shifted from independent physicians in private practice to employed physicians working for fewer and fewer consolidated integrated delivery networks with more and more market and employer power.

6 years

Seeking Science at the Sweet Spot- Past Denial, Dismissal, Delusion, and Despotism

Paul Simon told us some time ago that we lived in an age of miracle and wonder. The rest of his lyrics for The Boy in the Bubble, however, made it clear he did not mean the kind bestowed upon us by supernatural forces. He meant the kind we devised ourselves. He meant technology, and he was right- for better or for worse. 

6 years

IBM Watson And The Precarious Balance Between Medicine And Marketing

IBM Watson may have shifted from the all-knowing doctor to patient, ending up in critical condition in the Information Care Unit (ICU). 

6 years

The Two Important Ways Digital Health Is Impacting Pharma in 2018

There can be no better insight into Pharma’s digital ambition than building a digital agency from scratch with pharmaceutical companies as the core client base. I have been working in pharma my whole career (now some 19 years) and feel very fortunate to have been around at a time of unprecedented change as technology has fundamentally impacted all aspects of the pharmaceutical business; from drug discovery and clinical trial development, through to the very nature of the product as health technology builds an evidence base and the focus moves from illness to wellness.

6 years

Rookie Entrepreneur Mindset Mistakes

Innovation starts with the right mindset. Doctors who are considering a side gig or an alternative non-clinical career, have a hard time getting their heads around the entrepreneurial mindset. There is a difference between the clinical mindset and the entrepreneurial mindset.

6 years

Bipolar 2 Disorder and Hypomania: What Everyone Should Know

When people think of bipolar disorder they often think of mania and the extremes that can happen. However, bipolar disorder exists on a spectrum with 2 main types: Bipolar 1 and Bipolar 2. Bipolar 2 is a milder (yet still uncomfortable!) form of bipolar. People with Bipolar 2 Disorder experience hypomania instead of mania. So what is hypomania and how is it different from mania?