More in Science

6 years

Barriers to Digital Health Physician Entrepreneurship

It seems that almost everyone who has anything to do with sick care is trying to innovate, move the needle, disrupt, create game changers and win the 4th industrial revolution. It could be a case of too many cooks spoiling the broth.

6 years

Saving the Decaying Smiles of Poverty

She kept her head tilted slightly down so I could not see her face. She was young, perhaps 20, with silky hair and smooth skin, and bright green eyes. She looked like a girl that if she had been born to a family of means would have walked the halls of school as an alpha gal, perhaps as the student body president, captain of the cheerleading squad or a star long distance runner … perhaps. Instead, she wore clothes, mostly clean, that had a bit of the dressed up Goodwill look to them trying to mimic the fashion of the day.

6 years

Multivitamins Won’t Help You

Multivitamins won’t help you…fly. Or cliff dive. They won’t help you leap tall buildings in a single bound. They won’t help you teleport, tesseract, read minds, or shoot laser beams from your eyeballs. Oh, and they won’t help you measurably reduce your risk of dying from a heart attack, either. Surprise!

6 years

11 Effective Interventions for Depression

Are you looking for ideas how to beat depression? There are many interventions for depression that can help. Don't let your brain trick you into thinking it will never get better and that you will always feel this bad. This isn't true! You may not believe me but I see people get better all the time! Instead of staying in bed or giving up, incorporate these treatment tools for depression and start on your path to recovery. The more you use coping strategies for depression the quicker you will feel better.

6 years

How to Serve 3 or 4 Sick Care Masters ?

It used to be all that doctors needed to do was serve the primary interests of their patients. Of course, private practice has always been a conflict of interest.

6 years

From Utopia: 4 Principles For Digital Health In 2018

In late December 1516, the English lawyer, social philosopher, author, statesman and noted Renaissance humanist (and future catholic saint), Thomas More, published Utopia, a book about an ideal society on an imaginary island in an unknown place faraway across the seas. Even 500 years later it stirs debate as to whether this is some kind of comment or criticism of contemporary European society, blueprint for socialist philosophy, the first work of science fiction or more simply a clever farce. Or perhaps a combination, in some way, of all of these things.

6 years

God, GOOP, and the EPA

Scott Pruitt, the disgraced and departing head of the EPA, sullied that office not only with his scandalous abuses of taxpayer money, but with his obvious disdain for science. Good riddance to him. Alas, both deficiencies he epitomized will survive him. Personal enrichment and indulgence as perks of power and post are a sordid tale as old as civilization. Disdain for science is newer, because science is newer, but it likely emanates from a similar source. Science is a threat to the exercise of absolute authority predicated on false pretenses. Every manner of despot finds it…highly inconvenient.

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