More in Science

3 years

Catalyzing Cancer Treatment With Big Data And Predictive Analytics

A definitive cure for cancer seems to be distant even as technological advances in the field have significantly improved the quality of research, life-prolonging medicines and surgeries.

3 years

Everything We Know about The Pandemic is Wrong - Or... Let's Just Blame The Pathogen

Anyone who has read Guns, Germs, and Steel, or Sapiens, or for that matter seen Hamilton knows that history is distorted in the telling by those who win, or minimally, those who survive.

3 years

The Scourge of Pandemic Myopia

Wherever I look these days, across a wide expanse of trials and tribulations, I see one common malady: myopia. 

3 years

The Need of A Real-World Artificial Intelligence in The Pandemic Era

The Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated the development of artificial intelligence across the globe. 

3 years

How Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain Can Execute Vaccine Allocations for Countries in Need

Artificial intelligence (AI) and blockchain can enhance the vaccination process worldwide by providing speed and clarity of information, reporting low quality vaccines, and reducing manufacturing costs. 

3 years

Edge AI: The Next Step In AI Evolution

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been a steady presence in businesses around the world for quite some time now.

3 years

Why Do Scientists Need to Make a New Flu Vaccine Each Year

Why is it necessary to get a new flu vaccine every year? Let’s take a closer look at how these vaccines work and why scientists and researchers need to create a new vaccine formula every year.