More in Society

4 years

How To Replace Small Talk When Working Remotely

People working from home tend to feel lonely since they don’t get to meet people around the coffee machine, the washrooms, or bump into colleagues you would never talk to in the hallways.

4 years

7 Tips on Setting up a New City Apartment

Setting up a new apartment is stressful, especially when you are doing this in a new city which is very unfamiliar to you.

4 years

Four of Today's Grossly Overused Words

Every era seems to have words that are associated with it, words that have usually been overused, and today is no different.

4 years

Microlending: A Financial Revolution

The advent of technology and connectivity to places all over the world has resulted in the development and prominence of a new method of finance known as microlending.

4 years

Stay Human

I had an encounter on my daily morning run a few days ago that stuck with me. So much so I wanted to share.

4 years

How To Bring Bliss and Happiness To Your Job

Happiness is where you can find it, at home, in the office, in a meeting, you name it.

4 years

Scratching an Itch with Blocks

About 2 years ago, shally subhash approached us about starting a coding programme for the children at Jigyasa.